Did you know that 10 minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to a 30 minute jog on the treadmill at 6.5 mph?
Press play and follow along.
Stretching and Warm Up Not included
((Something big is coming 11/1/2020 and you don't wanna miss it!
Equipment used:
1/2 lbs weight rope http://bit.ly/jumpropemif (get lean set) You can get the mat I'm jumping on there too.
šāļøšÆš 10 minutes of jump rope is equivalent to a 30 minute jog on the treadmill at 6.5 mph š¼ #MakeItFunNyc š¼ Do 10 sets of 100 jumps with a 30-60 second break between each set. #jumprope
Learn how to jump in 21 days http://bit.ly/day21mif
Myths about jump rope: https://m.me/makeitfunnyc?ref=w8723868
Groups if interested:
5 Day Get Moving Challenge: https://www.makeitfunnyc.com/90-day-challenge
Jump rope group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MakeItFunNyc/
Health and Wellness Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/185657145959286/
10,000 steps a day:
Join our 20 day ROPE IS DOPE challenge: http://wix.to/R8B3C6Y
Make It Fun Freestyle Rope: http://bit.ly/freestyleropemif ā£
ā£Relief from aches and pains (from working out): https://goodfor.us/ref/makeitfun/ (discount code: makeitfun15)
ā£Join my team (health and wellness supplements):
ā£On a weight loss journey: http://bit.ly/drink2shrinkmif ā£(suggested before beginning weight loss journey)
Liquid Lipo: http://bit.ly/lipomif (weight management)
Instant detox tea packs and vitamins: vitamins: https://jumpstartdetox.tavalifestyle.com/product/smart-grab-ii-kai-detox-tea-vale30/
FREE MEAL PLAN : https://aw16b5b4.aweberpages.com/p/1799e5b6-06cc-4d95-a4a6-1b43b3712524
ā£My Amazon Store: ā£ www.amazon.com/shop/makeitfunnyc
MOST IMPORTANTLY, join the JUMP ROPE IS DOPE group on facebook (http://bit.ly/groupmif) to join challenges and giveaways ā£
ā£Also be sure to hashtag #MakeItFunNyc / #JumpRopeIsDope on you your social media posts. ā£
ā£Follow Me online:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/makeitfunnyc ā£
ā£Podcast: http://anchor.fm/bernapril20 ā£
ā£LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bernadette-henry-977b7621/ ā£
ā£Twitter: http://twitter.com/makeitfunnyc ā£
ā£Facebook: http://facebook.com/makeitfunnyc ā£
ā£Website: http://www.makeitfunnyc.com ā£
ā£Tiktok: http://vm.tiktok.com/jotPJA/ ā£
Get leads for your business daily: http://jump2live.mlsplive.org/
Make Money Online:
All information provided by Bernadette Henry (Make It Fun Nyc) is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. Bernadette Henry (Make It Fun Nyc) is not engaged in rendering medical or professional services. This is my own personal workout and may not be suited for you. This information is not to be taken in replacement of any medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. Using this information is at your own risk. Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in or acting on any recommendation found in content provided by Bernadette Henry (Make It Fun Nyc).
You agree that the use of the information contained in any content provided by The Bernadette Henry (Make It Fun Nyc) is at your own risk. Bernadette Henry (Make It Fun Nyc) is not responsible or liable for any injury sustained as a result of using the content in this video or any other video provided.
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