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Jump Rope Interval Routine

It's been a while since we posted a workout, so this week we are going back to basics and focusing on a good old HIIT circuit. As you all know from previous posts, HIIT circuits are the perfect blend of strength and cardio movements to increase fat burn and caloric burn long after the workout is complete. The key is to take minimal rest between workouts and between rounds. You want to go ALL OUT for the duration of the workout in order to reap the benefits after. Remember jumping rope for 10 minutes is equivalent to a 30 min jog on the treadmill at 6.5mph. So imagine the kind of calorie burn you will get from this workout? So without further delay, here is this weeks fat burning jewel of a workout.


100 jumps

10 squats

20 doubleunders.

Rest (30 secs)

100 jumps

10 pushups

20 doubleunders

Rest (30 seconds)

100 jumps

20 crunches

20 doubleunders

REST (30 seconds)

100 jumps

10 crossjacks

20 doubleunders

Repeat 3-5 times.

Use weighted ropes to double the fat burn. Leave a comment below if you are interested in finding out more information regarding weighted ropes and how to use them.


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Need a rope? We got you covered: Jump rope

Want a free assessment of your basic jump rope skill? Submit a Video

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Team Make It Fun NYC

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