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How To Focus On Your Weight Loss Goals As A Busy Working Mom

Writer's picture: Bernadette HenryBernadette Henry

Are you confused with how to get in shape? Do you feel like there is so much conflicting information out there?

Here’s the reality….

Getting in shape is not all that hard when you lay out all the pieces:

- training regimen - nutrition protocol - cardio

- stress management and sleep BUT that's not really the hard part, is it?

It's putting in the time and consistency for all of those. Making your goals a priority and saying no to things that don't serve you. THATS THE HARD PART!

This is why people hire coaches and trainers or join accountability groups.

Being accountable to yourself is difficult. But knowing you are working with someone who is backing you, who is counting on you and who is rooting for your goals makes the process that much more effective. This is what I do!

I hold busy working moms accountable to their goals so that when life and excuses come up, they will have someone to talk to that understands and will help you to get back on track. Do you need the help, direction, motivation and accountability to stay on track? To be confident in what you are doing? LET ME HELP Join my accountability group for busy moms over 35 that need accountability physically, mentally and emotionally.

Which do you struggle with ?

- training regimen - nutrition protocol - cardio

- stress management and sleep

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Check out our Make It Fun Freestyle Jump rope:

Are you in NYC and want to check out our Jump 2 Burn jump rope class:

Health and Wellness Survey:

Support and Accountability for Busy Working Moms (physical, mental & emotional wellness):


Check out some of my favorite fitness, and healthy lifestyle products that I use, and highly recommend below (affiliate links):

Weighted Jump ropes:

Pre-workout pill:

Body works ball: Code: Jump

Go 2 Socks (compression socks):

Code: go2socksfunNyc15

Get samples of the Detox Tea:


Jump rope programs and services:

Stressed and Autism Moms :

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